Air Chathams offers three different fare types.
Within each fare type, pricing can vary based on factors such as differing fare classes. This guide will help you understand the differences for our mainland New Zealand routes (excludes flights to or from the Chatham Islands and Norfolk Island).
Our cheapest and best value fares are Thrifty Fares.
Thrifty fares can’t be changed, transferred to another person or refunded. If your Thrifty fare flight is affected by a Covid Alert Level change, you’ll be issued with a EMD (flight credit) that can be used for future travel, or given the option reschedule to the next suitable flight.
If you need the flexibility to change the date of your travel, or who is travelling, choose the Saver Fares.
Saver fares can be changed or transferred to another person up to 24 hours prior to departure. Changes will incur a $50 change fee per person per changed sector, plus a fare difference if the same fare class is no longer available. Name changes on the same scheduled flight are permitted without charge. Saver fares are non-refundable.
If your saver fare flight is affected by a Covid Alert Level change, you’ll be issued with a EMD (flight credit) that can be used for future travel, or given the option to reschedule to the next suitable flight.
If you want a fully flexible, fully changeable, fully refundable fare – choose the Full Economy Fares.
Full economy fares can be cancelled with a full refund if Air Chathams is notified up to an hour prior to departure. Flights may be changed or transferred to another person during the same period and may incur a fare difference if the same fare class is no longer available.
If your full economy fare flight is affected by a Covid Alert Level change, you’ll have the option of:
• Getting a full refund
• Holding a EMD (flight credit) to be used for future travel
• Transferring your booking to another flight